Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Check out Uncle Ed!

Apologies to all who've been trying to email me at's just say it's 'down' at the moment.  You can email me by clicking right.....HERE.....or leave some sort of comment type thing in the comment type area.

 <--This is Ed.

Oh, by the way, if you're looking for some beautiful music in Vancouver on Wednesday November 5th, check out my Uncle Ed (if you clicked on that you got a treat)...his solo guitar work is stunning and he's playing at the Cultch.  There's a nice little headline and paragraph about him in Tom Harrison's Column.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Diet Coke, I am your b*^ch

Is it so wrong?  This love?  I try to quit you.  I try several times a year.  And nothing at all comes even close to that happiness in a can.   I know you could cause me all kinds of peril and still here I am, digging in my purse through the receipts and lip glosses and gums that have unwrapped themselves so I can have you. Finally, feeling the world come into focus and my worries take a back seat to that bubbly cola sensation that is sweet but has a punch and a spicy quality and...let's face it, you're one of my only pleasures.  You'll never compare to my kids and my husband,  of course, because you cannot love me back and hug me and rub my feet and you aren't quite a reason to live.  There are so many reasons to leave you, aspartame and sodium something-I-can't-pronounce included.   You literally leach the life from my bones. But coffee, green tea, iced tea, black tea, herbal tea and other bubbly drinks don't hold a candle.  You call me from the shelves with your amazing case of 12 deal.  You beckon from the cooler with your well-lit, dewy cold silky smooth exterior.  You say jump, and I jump.  You say push me higher, and I push you higher.  One last time.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

On Blogging

Welcome to Blogville, Blogland, in Deep Blogovia.  It's rather quiet here.  Is this why people blog?  For the satisfaction of a long winded, one sided conversation?   If you're wondering why I'm doing it:  mom told me I should write more.  Every therapist/magazine makes a case for Journaling as a way to come to terms with one's feelings (and perhaps, in retrospect, be humiliated by one's melodramatic tendencies?) and hopefully avoid falling face first on an open bag of Cheetos.  One more reason -- I thought maybe it would connect me to other diabetic vegetarian singers.   Kidding!  If there are any of you, though, I'd appreciate knowing.  Well, even if you're any one of the above. The real other reason is that a very psychic friend of mine said I needed to do some Literary work with my LAPTOP!   Not exactly a novelist, but Giddyup.

So, let's make this symbiotic.  Think of me as a full-service blog.  I can link you to potentially fascinating people,  give you some compelling topics and very personal opinions to chew on, and announce everything from great causes to gigs that family, friends or myself are involved in. Check out the 'Gigs' label to your right.  Drop me a line.  Show me your blog.  Wow, it really is nice and quiet.