Friday, January 15, 2010

Bad Diabetic!

Ugh.  I don't even want to post about this.  Because I'm that bad.  But maybe someone out there will understand and have some magic healing wisdom type thing to leave as a comment?  Talking about one's diabetes is worse than talking about one's dental work, I swear.  Mind you, if you've been all but ignoring your Type 1 Juvenile Onset Diabetes for the last couple of just can't be a comfortable topic.

Diabetes (Type 1, 2,whatever you have) is all about management.  It's also about compliance.  In order to run a healthy diabetic body, one needs to test blood sugar 4-8 times per day, either count carbohydrates or portions, and REMEMBER (good lawd) to take insulin or medications in a timely manner, and for many of us, moment to moment, hour to hour, throughout the day.  And exercise regularly.  And examine one's feet daily like a grooming monkey.   And blah blah blah blah.

A healthy diabetic is a REALLY healthy person.  It's like having a full time job.  Luckily, I work freelance and it's rare that I'm full on full time with my 'real' job.  It's just a hell of a lot of work and their truly is no 'vacation' from it,  not one that any of us could afford.  I've managed to balance all of this before during my 34 yrs of insulin. So where did I go wrong?

Well, it was after the second tired, so busy, Daddy went on the road,  8 weeks of root canal appointments, a few family tragedies....and I just could not get interested in my blood sugar.  I just wanted to sleep.  Three years later I test begrudgingly, and not often enough. I eat because I am hungry and often can't remember exactly how much I ate as I belatedly estimate the carbs.  I don't exercise nearly enough.  Sigh.  I want to be a good diabetic,  I really do.  I'm just a little Crusty!  Thanks for lettting me vent... Anyone out there who wants to've got the floor!

Seriously Radiant Health to you all this New Year.  In the words of my wise friend K,
Keep it Zen in Twenty-Ten.


  1. I am like the total opposite of you. I check at least 10 times a day. Usually 14! I don't feel whenever my blood sugar is low and therefore I test so much. Because it's my health I just want it to be as good as it can be. Perfect with diabetes, no way! It's not working, at least not with me. I had quite a calm period with my diabetes, but right now everything is up and down and up and down! Arg!

  2. Ohhhhh, I really, really get it. I'm going to the endocrinologist/diabetes nurse/nutrionist in 4 days and I'm going to get my butt kicked. Trying to gather data for them and having a hard time remembering to! Wish me luck and hang in there. I LOVE that you can remember to test 14 times...are you using the pump or shots? Harder to make those little adjustments with shots. Not that the pump is any kind of guarantee that you'll nail it. Maybe I'll post after the 'Appointment of The Year'. Hang in there.

  3. Hi,

    IT's not that I remember.. I really have too! I just don't know how high or low I am, can't feel it anymore.. And I use a pump! I know about the shots.. 4x times.. arg. Glad I've got the pump. Good luck at the diabetes nurse/nutrionest/endocrinologist!
    If you like you can read my blog too, I blog about my diabetes as well.
